Welcome to the Parish of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Archangel Michael
We warmly welcome you to the online home of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Archangel Michael, a small but vibrant community of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia (ROCOR) under the Archpastoral care of His Eminence Archbishop George of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand. Located in Blacktown, our parish is a modest yet historically vibrant community striving to live out the teachings of the Orthodox faith with sincerity and devotion.

Who We Are
Founded on the timeless foundations of the Orthodox faith, our parish is dedicated to the glory of God and the intercessions of Archangel Michael, our heavenly protector. We are a community of diverse backgrounds united by a shared commitment to living out the Gospel and preserving the sacred heritage of the Russian Orthodox tradition.
Whether you are a lifelong Orthodox Christian, a curious seeker exploring the faith, or a visitor looking for a place to pray, you will find a warm and welcoming community ready to journey with you.
Our Mission
Celebrate the Holy Mysteries
At the heart of our faith is the beauty of worship, where we gather to encounter God in the sacred liturgy. Through the Holy Mysteries, we experience His grace, His love, and the deep connection that unites heaven and earth. These moments are not just ceremonies, they are life-changing encounters with the Divine.
Teach and Preserve the Faith
The Orthodox faith is a treasure passed down through generations, rich in theology, spirituality, and history. Sharing this wisdom is about inviting others to discover the depth and beauty of a life rooted in Christ. It’s about preserving the light of truth and sharing it with love and humility.
Build Fellowship
We are not meant to journey alone. The Church is a family, a place where we support one another in faith and in life. It’s in the laughter over shared meals, the prayers whispered together, and the strength we lend each other during hard times that we truly live as Christ’s body.
Serve Others
Faith comes alive in action. Whether it’s offering a kind word, feeding the hungry, or simply being present for someone in need, we strive to reflect Christ’s love in everything we do. Service isn’t an obligation, it’s the natural response of a heart transformed by God’s love.
Living the Orthodox life is about more than beliefs; it’s about embodying faith in every moment, worshipping God, growing together, and sharing His love with the world.
Join Us
We invite you to join us for divine services, which are conducted in both Church Slavonic and English, reflecting our commitment to inclusivity while honouring the sacred language of our heritage. Our parish is a spiritual family where hearts and lives are transformed by God’s grace. We would be delighted to welcome you in person to experience the beauty of Orthodox worship and the warmth of our community. Feel free to explore our website to learn more about our liturgical schedule, parish events, and resources for spiritual growth. If you have any questions or wish to speak with our clergy, please do not hesitate to reach out at parish.priest@archangelmichael.net.au