The Mystery of Our Lord’s Baptism – A Sermon by Saint Maximus of Turin

The Gospel recounts that the Lord went to the River Jordan to be baptised, desiring to consecrate Himself in the waters through heavenly signs. It is fitting, then, that this feast of the Lord’s Baptism, which might aptly be considered a spiritual counterpart to His birth, should follow closely after the Nativity, during the same season, despite the many intervening years between these events.
At Christmas, Christ was born as a man; today, He is reborn sacramentally. Then, He was born of the Virgin Mary; today, He is born anew in mystery. At His human birth, His mother Mary held Him close, cradling Him with maternal care. At His sacramental birth, God the Father embraces Him with divine testimony, declaring: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; listen to Him. Mary tenderly presented the infant to the Magi for adoration; the Father now reveals His Son as the one to be worshipped by all nations.
This is why the Lord Jesus went to the river to be baptised and allowed His sacred body to be immersed in the waters of the Jordan. Some may wonder, “Why would one who is sinless seek baptism?” The answer is profound: Christ was baptised not to be sanctified by the water, but to sanctify the water itself. By His touch, He purified the waters, endowing them with the power to cleanse and sanctify all who would be baptised thereafter. The consecration of Christ, therefore, brings a greater consecration to the waters.
When the Saviour was washed in the Jordan, He sanctified all water for baptism, cleansing it at its source to dispense baptismal grace for generations to come. Christ was baptised first so that Christians might follow Him with confidence, assured of the transformative grace of this sacrament.
This mystery recalls the journey of the Israelites through the Red Sea, led by the column of fire, which prepared the way for their safe passage. As the Apostle Paul explained, this event prefigured the mystery of baptism. At that time, the cloud both covered the people and guided them through the waters, a foretaste of baptism.
In the same way, Christ leads His people now. Just as the column of fire went before the Israelites, Christ in the column of His body goes through the waters of baptism ahead of the Christian faithful. Then, the column provided light and a safe path through the sea; now, Christ illuminates the hearts of believers and strengthens their faith in the waters of baptism. Through His baptism, He not only sanctifies the waters but also paves the way for all who come after Him to walk the path of faith with firm and unwavering steps.